Welcome to the Toronto Fire Pics blog.

A new way to share pictures and news relating to the Toronto Fire Services, torontofire.blogspot.com has multiple contributors posting new content almost daily. Old posts will be archived in the menu on the right, and new posts will appear here on the main page. Use the search bar (top left) to find specific incidents, rigs, etc.

Sunday, November 30, 2008


I have signed the blog up to receive alerts to all 2nd alarms and higher in the city. The alerts will appear on the main page of the blog soon after the call appears on the TFS Active Incidents page. To have yourself notified of multiple alarms, visit http://lists.weatherserver.net/ and sign up for "TFS-2plus". - John.

Scarborough 1 and 5.


"Scarborough 1 and Scarborough 5 turn out to a reported house fire in the town centre"

Little Leaf Drive - House Fire

Amateur footage from the fire last week, as first rigs arrive.

Toronto Fire Pumper 312 Responding

Video of Pumper 312 Responding

Also, here is a link i found a couple days ago that lists the Toronto Fire Calls and keeps them listed. There is almost 30,000 calls on the site and it updates at 5 minute intervals. http://twitter.com/tofire

- Justin

Siren type??

Does anyone have any idea what type of siren Aerial 131 has been outfitted with? It sounds very whelen-xecutor-ish, their truck was originally outfitted with an electronic-only siren, with no mechanical tones. Anybody?

Video was taken by Justin Waldon. You can check out his TFS youtube feed at: http://www.youtube.com/user/justin1790, and I have invited him to post to the TFP blog. - John

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Okay, it's not Toronto but...

These were posted as part of a slide set scan on ebay recently and I thought they may be of interest. They are from the "Report From Engine Company 82" era and show some of the companies from the book at work.

Jersey Street porch fire.

Here's an older video. Supplied by our friend George Cribbs. Check out his youtube feed at: http://www.youtube.com/user/torgeorge

1949 TFD ALF

Just thought I would share this....found the print ad on ebay a few years ago.

One Fourteen

A new direction for Toronto Fire Pics.

Being in school full time, plus working, I've come to the sad realization that torontofirepics.com may be a thing of the past. Updating takes a ton of time, which I have very little of. However, a new idea! With multiple authors on this newly formed Toronto Fire Pics blog, hopefully we can get something similar to torontofirepics.com going. Photographers will be able to post their new pictures of rigs, incidents, etc. A new way to post all your great photos and news relating to the Toronto Fire Services. - John Hanley