Friday December 5, 2008 - 12:20 pm
2nd Alarm - 858 Milner Ave.
Responding Units: Pumpers 212, 211, 234, 215
Rescues 214, 235, 241 Aerials 215, 113
Cars 21, 12
Pumper 212 arrived at this Nissan dealership on Milner Ave., found heavy black smoke coming from the vicinty of the auto body shop and requested a 2nd alarm. When it was determined that the fire was in an outside dumpster, the 2nd alarm was cancelled and the fire was handled by P212, R214, A215 and Car 21. It was fortunate that the 2nd alarm response was not needed, as this would have required apparatus to come some distance due to the simultaneous 2nd alarm on Kennedy Rd.

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